Our Services

Performance Improvement and Value Creation

We offer cost effective services to help set and implement inspiring and actionable competitive strategies to improve performance and create value, while building on capabilities to prepare for future challenges.

Our Team

We have a track record of obtaining results, and hands-on experience in a broad range of industries and functional areas, which enables us to look across organizational borders, and solve complex problems.

Our Clients

Our clients are public organizations and private companies, ranging from technology start-ups till blue chip consumer oriented multinationals in various industries.



Strategize to Win
Develop and implement inspiring and actionable competitive strategies.

Innovate to Create
Create value through innovation by driving productivity and profitable growth.

Transform to Perform
Transform organizations into top performers, fit for future challenges.

1-2-3 Action!
All-in-one cost effective and customer oriented service that delivers results in 100 days.


Strategize to Win

Strategize to Win helps to set and implement inspiring competitive strategies to improve performance and create value.

We support organizations to:

  • Define corporate goals and objectives
  • Articulate mission, values and vision
  • Communicate shared vision and align objectives
  • Analyze the competitive environment
  • Provide knowledge to gain insight and spot trends
  • Identify capabilities to be developed or strengthened
  • Develop actionable and inspiring strategies

Our approach to define, plan and execute strategies is inspired on Design Thinking. The method is a results-oriented innovation process that puts clients first. We use simple and effective tools to involve stakeholders, be it employees, clients or shareholders, from the start. This eases aligning objectives and establishing a sense of urgency so to conduct a swift and successful implementation of the strategy.

Leadership is key to success. In John P. Kotter’s words: “Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there”. We help build on leadership and communication skills to create and articulate a shared vision, and successfully convert the vision (or ideas) created by few into the strategy (or innovations) adopted by many.

Innovate to Create

Innovate to Create helps to create value through innovation by improving productivity and seizing opportunities that stimulate demand.

We support organizations to:

  • Generate ideas that create value through innovation
  • Initiate and plan innovation and transformation projects
  • Construct programs and portfolios that map strategy
  • Develop talent, capabilities and strategic alliances
  • Elaborate scenarios and risk management plans
  • Optimize innovation and strategic planning processes
  • Develop functional, business and communication plans

Innovation is a core strategic process supported by activities like acquiring, sharing and applying knowledge and technology that produce intellectual property assets. It comprises concept creation, product development, and (re-)engineering both production and business processes. We help to innovate so to optimize the creation of value.

Value Creation is, from a financial perspective, achieved, on the long term, by driving productivity, improving cost structure or increasing asset utilization, and growth, expanding revenue opportunities or enhancing customer value. We guide organizations in their journey through a landscape with a shear infinite number of possibilities to accomplish productivity and growth strategies.

Transform to Perform

Transform to Perform helps to implement inspiring competitive strategies that drive performance while preparing for future challenges.

We support organizations to:

  • Execute innovation and transformation projects
  • Build teams that excel in satisfying clients’ needs
  • Deliver the expected on time and within budget
  • Manage risk, expectations and communication
  • Strengthen talent, competencies and partnerships
  • Foment leadership and corporate culture to innovate
  • Monitor and control performance improvements

Transformation basically is innovation with the goal to make significant changes in how business is conducted so to cope with a challenging competitive environment. We facilitate a fast and successful change by establishing a sense of urgency, communicating extensively to create buy-in, empowering teams to remove obstacles and delivering short-term wins to boost morale and motivation.

Communication is important in every project stage, but essential during implementation. The 2.0 wave has boosted interaction at every level to acquire knowledge about consumers or identify actionable opportunities within the company. Yet, most innovations and transformations fail to deliver up to expectation due to a lack of communication. We help bring your marketing and communication up to speed with the spirit of modern times.

1-2-3 Action!

1-2-3 Action! is an all-in-one cost effective and customer oriented service that delivers results in 100 days.
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